
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My parents were missionaries in Mexico, so as a missionary kid, I’ve always heard about missions, unreached people groups, sharing the gospel, etc. However, it never really meant much to me until later in my life. During my junior year of high school, I was radically saved, and I decided to surrender my life to Christ and allow God to use me in whichever way he wanted. This is when I began to recognize the importance of missional living and sharing the gospel. At the time, I was unsure what I would do after high school, but I knew that whatever I would do, would be for the advancement of the Kingdom. Earlier this year, I spent a lot of time praying for God to show me what I was supposed to do after high school. I was stuck between going to college or taking a gap year, and I quickly got frustrated when God did not give me an answer when I wanted Him to. I continued to pray, and God eventually showed me I was supposed to do a gap year. Through this, God taught me to be patient and to wait on His timing rather than mine. Through much more prayer, God put the World Race Gap Year program on my heart, and after speaking with mentors and looking more into the program, I was confident this is what God was calling me to do. I’m very excited to go on the World Race and see what God has in store for this next season of my life.

2 responses to “Why I’m Going on the World Race”

  1. Beyond proud of this young man. Very glad to call him my best friend. He will prosper in all he does. Support him so he can grow the kingdom!

  2. I’m incredibly glad I’ve gotten close to you this year. I love you brother. You’re an amazing person and a role model for my life and walk with God. I’m so excited for you! This is going to be an amazing opportunity. You are going to do great things during this trip and even greater after. Enjoy every minute and continue to look to God in all things.

Clayton Haynes

My name is Clayton Haynes and I am currently a senior at Parkview High School in Atlanta, Georgia. I surrendered my life to Jesus during my junior year, and since then I have been blessed to be able to lead a house church for my high school and serve at my local church, Grace Christian Fellowship, as an intern and middle school small group leader. I am very excited to see how God will continue to move in my life as I take on the World Race this coming fall!